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  1. Bronte, Charlotte - Comment and summary of Jane e Rochester

  2. Joyce, James - Gabriel’s epiphany - Skuola.net

  3. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - The rime of the Ancient Mariner

  4. Defoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe, Summary and analysis - Skuola.net

  5. Romeo e Giulietta: riassunto in inglese - Skuola.net

  6. Joyce, James - The Dubliners - Skuola.net

  7. Brooke, Rupert - The Soldier - Skuola.net

  8. Augustan Age: descrizione e autori di questo genere letterario

  9. The United Kingdom and London - Skuola.net

  10. Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein, Summary and analysis - Skuola.net