The ensemble is multi-faceted and comprises a Baroque string orchestra that at times adds singers ... Both modern and period instruments are used; the college owns nine Baroque bows, Flemish and ...
Naomi: This is an organ, a popular instrument of the Baroque period ... like flutes or trumpets, or strings. Baroque music was full of tiny bits of improvisation and decoration - a bit like ...
The ensemble takes on the era-straddling Vespers, a crucial yet rarely performed work in the classical canon, at the ...
as a member of the string section of symphony orchestras, and some rock bands. History It's thought cellos evolved in the 16th century from other similar instruments; instruments like the viola da ...
Reinforcing the period-specific instruments, Dirst says the string quartet instruments have ... are created for long legato lines. Instead, a Baroque bow is all about rhetoric and about inflecting ...