While the instrument kept recording whatever appeared, the viewers got a glimpse of the innards of the shark’s mouth, which appeared silver-blue on the screen. As the footage showed, the camera ...
Divers off the Bahamas were treated to an up-close view of the inside of a shark’s mouth when the shark swallowed a camera. The camera remained intact, providing stunning video. If you’ve ...
The image, taken during a recent OCEARCH expedition, shows the shark with its mouth open, revealing row after row of irregular teeth. The moment was captured with a barley underwater camera ...
Most travelled shark: A blue shark (Prionace glauca ... only two specimens ever found of this new species, whose gaping mouth inspired the name "megamouth." Lowest note a shark can hear: 10 ...
There are nearly 30 species of shark found in UK waters, but the blue shark is certainly one of the most impressive. With the white underbelly contrasting with its cobalt blue upper body ...