Colorado Springs voters will select a majority of decision-makers on the City Council who will shape the city's future.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV) - April 1 is Election Day in Colorado Springs, and KKTV wants you to Know Before You Vote!
Preliminary maps left western and eastern Colorado whole in two districts. Congressional District 4, represented by Ken Buck, R-Windsor, had essentially remained unchanged in the northeast and ...
Voters in the City of Colorado Springs will decide on a District City Council race for the April 1, 2025 city election.
The Supreme Court issued its decision Monday, ruling that though the Colorado Constitution ... redistricting process and adopt a district map in accordance with state law ahead of Weld’s next county ...
No, it's not an April Fools joke, Colorado Springs has a local election on Tuesday, April 1. Voters should know that ballots ...