The Megadungeon Megabundle has enough Dungeons and Dragons and Dungeon Crawl Classics adventures to last a lifetime, and then ...
DnD languages shape how adventurers communicate, from common speech to ancient magical tongues. Read on to explore every ...
Horns of the Beast is highlighted as the best adventure in the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide, offering a memorable and twist-filled quest. At the core of every great Dungeons & Dragons campaign is a ...
The Western Reaches supplement’s rapid success proves there’s a real appetite for adventures inspired by classic Dungeons and Dragons.
Ravenloft: Heir of Strahd and The Fallbacks: Dealing with Dragons novels are now available for preorder at Amazon.
For a game called Dungeons & Dragons, it sure seems like homebrew ... are bad at appreciating dragons—D&D's first post-revamp adventure set'll be about, uh, D&D. Specifically, dragons and ...
Knights Of Frontier Valley is a challenging, old-school-inspired roguelike RPG that brings the depth, danger, and discovery of classic fantasy adventures to a living, breathing digital world.
Red Dirt DnD Red Dirt DnD mashes together fantasy with the Wild West. The actual play Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons podcast takes place in the fictional country of Rutoya as four adventurers ...
Credit: Wizards of the Coast - Art by Ed Kwong For a game called Dungeons & Dragons, it sure seems like ... dragons—D&D's first post-revamp adventure set'll be about, uh, D&D.