A Genshin Impact artist creates an impressive concept in which they reimagine the popular Cryo bow user Ganyu as a Pokemon ...
Genshin Impact reveals a blind box figurine line ... Venti, Childe, Albedo, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Yoimiya, Thoma, and Gorou. Each figurine will feature the characters in various casual outfits, with the ...
The Hunter's Bow is a One Star Bow Weapon found in Genshin Impact. A hunter's music consists of but two sounds: the twang of the bowstring and the whoosh of soaring arrows. If you plan to ascend ...
The Seasoned Hunter's Bow is a Two Star Bow Weapon found in Genshin Impact. A bow that has been well-polished by time and meticulously cared for by its owner. It feels almost like an extension of ...