Sometimes seen as the stuff of commencement addresses, his poems are hard to pin down—just like the man behind them.
Nevertheless, for this poem, and for the first time in his career, Frost got paid—$15, by the editor of a New York weekly called The Independent. “On reading ‘My Butterfly,’ ” Adam Plunkett writes in ...
A fond memory of the poet.
Sometimes things live up to their name. Take Robert Frost. The four-time-Pulitzer-winning poet is known for his wintry poem "Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening." (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING ...
The Wild Afterlife of Your Trash’ by Alexander Clapp “There is a reason why Mafia bosses tend to work in ‘waste management,’” said Andrew Anthony in The G ...
Robert Frost, who turned 20 in 1894, uncertain of his gift, bouncing among stray gigs (actor’s manager, repairer of lights at a wool mill) in Lawrence, Massachusetts, had written a poem called ...