The prop weapon is the finest, complete version ever brought to market and could fetch at least $2.5 million. The post Here’s ...
A Han Solo blaster might be the ultimate Star Wars prize. Will it make more than $3 million at auction this summer? Find out ...
which is why Star Wars characters who get shot are often knocked back physically in addition to being burned or wounded. There is some inconsistency to the concussive power of blaster bolts ...
Set decorator Roger Christian was tasked with designing Solo’s weapon, with a goal of making the character appear like a cowboy—but, of course, in space. Only one other Han Solo blaster has ever made ...
Model Star Wars blasters are set to go under the hammer in North Yorkshire. The mint-condition metal replicas, accurate to the fictional guns used by Princess Leia and Han Solo in the 1977 film ...
The bounty hunters of Star Wars are some of the fiercest fighters in the galaxy, and fans love to see them pursue their ...
Cinemark and AMC said fans are welcome to wear costumes to showings of the new “Star Wars” movie — but their faces have to be visible. Both chains also banned toy blaster guns. Cinemark also ...