This meteorite, known as the Winchcombe meteorite, underwent an intensive nano-analysis in collaborative research undertaken by various institutions in the UK, Europe, Australia, and the USA.
The Winchcombe meteorite is an unusually well-preserved example of a group of space rocks called CM carbonaceous chondrites, which were formed during the earliest periods of the solar system.
In 2021, cameras recorded the fall of the Winchcombe meteorite, allowing scientists to trace its cosmic origin. National Corporate funding for NOVA is provided by Carlisle Companies. Major funding ...
See an astonishingly rare meteorite, which was recovered in the UK after landing in the driveway of a house in the town of Winchcombe in Gloucestershire. The meteorite will give scientists at the ...
Getting there: take the stairs to the upper floors of Hintze Hall. Lay your eyes on the Winchcombe meteorite - the first fallen meteorite to have been recovered in the UK for 30 years. This rare ...
Within hours of its landing, samples of the Winchcombe meteorite had been recovered and its origins tracked back beyond Mars to the asteroid belt. Most single-use plastics produced worldwide since ...