You might think that an administration that has made 'religious liberty' a battle cry would respect the mission of the nation's largest religious body.
Over the past century, Catholic leaders have wrestled with how much to embrace new forms of communication technology.
Armed men stabbed a Catholic priest to death while he was alone inside a church last week in the northwest Sagaing region of civil war-ravaged Mynamar earlier this month
The Rev. Charles Jacobs of Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church in Hartford is on leave after being accused of stealing money from the parish, church leaders say.
What it did not find time to do was to stop the abuse of children by Catholic priests. A church founded by a man who instructed his followers to “suffer little children” is therefore now better known for making children suffer: in France alone an estimated 200,000 children were abused by priests between 1950 and 2020.
This small park used to be home to the first Catholic Church for African Americans west of Baltimore, served by the first openly Black priest.