On Tuesday morning, actress and singer Selena Gomez broke out on the internet for now-deleted video. The actress had posted and later deleted a video of her crying over Donald Trump`s announcement of the deportation of illegal immigrants from the country.
Selena Gomez posted a video reacting to President Donald Trump's immigration raids, leading some people to question where she was born.
This emotional video has sparked global interest, leading to a surge in Google searches for phrases like “Selena Gomez crying”
In the now-deleted clip, Selena said, "I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry. All my people are getting attacked..."
Gomez swiftly deleted the video but was met with immediate backlash from Trump’s supporters, including U.S. Senate candidate Sam Parker, who called for the singer to be removed from the country.
Selena Gomez shared a video crying about the ongoing ICE deportations under the new Donald Trump administration.
In a now-deleted video posted to Instagram, Selena Gomez appeared in tears over the deportation of Mexican people as Trump's mass deportation operation takes effect.
Selena Gomez is feeling the wrath of Trump allies after posting an emotional video expressing empathy for recently deported migrants.
Did Lana Del Rey Tell Selena To Return To Mexico After Deportation Video? |Firstpost America N18G A viral video of Selena Gomez breaking down over Donald Trump’s immigration policies ignited a social media firestorm,
Selena Gomez has lost over 130,000 Instagram followers as a result of backlash over her role in Emilia Pérez and an emotional immigration video.
Selena Gomez is among the many Americans experiencing a roller coaster of emotions in reaction to President Trump's latest actions regarding immigration.