About one mile east of Rano Raraku volcano is Ahu Tongariki, the largest ahu complex on Easter Island with 15 moai statues.
We'll never truly know. For comparison's sake, the largest moai to ever be successfully erected on a platform is Ahu Te Pito ...
Van Tilburg concludes, "The moai thus mediates between sky and earth, people and chiefs, and chiefs and gods." The word "ahu" has two meanings in Easter Island culture. First, an ahu is the flat ...
Among the many secrets buried in Easter Island prehistory is the question of how the Rapanui people transported the multi-ton statues, or moai, from their quarries to their final ceremonial ahu ...
The moai were carved with stone tools, mostly in a single quarry, then transported without draft animals or wheels to massive stone platforms, or ahu, up to 11 miles away. Tuki’s question—how ...