Getting your club distances with the Foresight assessment is relatively easy. You need to take at least three shots with each ...
Bushnell and Foresight teamed up on a course management platform for golfers that pairs launch monitor data with a laser ...
Top features of the Bushnell Ion Elite: With moveable pins and slope functionality, this golf watch is the closest thing to a rangefinder that fits on your wrist. Use HoleView to see the layout of ...
Sometimes, when scouring the internet for the best golf deals, I see one particular item that stands out as worth its time in the spotlight. Today is one of those days, as the Bushnell Pro X3 ...
That's because the best golf GPS watches act like a sort of Google Maps for every course you visit. Big names like Garmin, Bushnell and SkyCaddie have been working for decades on perfecting this ...
SAN DIEGO — Two days before Christmas, Foresight Sports co-presidents Jon Watters and Scott Werbelow were at their desks at their headquarters in the San Diego surburbs, their large office ...
While it's still a smaller category compared to the size of the GPS watch or laser ... generations is Bushnell's Bite magnet, ...