Three and a half kilometers beneath the Mediterranean Sea, around 80km off the coast of Sicily, lies half of a very unusual telescope called KM3NeT.
The above 40-second video is sped-up footage of the new-found jets flashing briefly near the Sun’s south pole. In reality, ...
"We were very surprised to see that the same tiny plasma jets appear to be driving both the fast and the slow solar wind." ...
Euclid space telescope sent some images back to Earth during an early testing phase. While reviewing the pictures, astronomer ...
Wolf 359’s extreme radiation and frequent X-ray flares make life-sustaining atmospheres on nearby planets highly unlikely, ...
“We [will be able to] move quickly and map out very large areas of the sky,” adds Josh Schlieder, the telescope’s wide-field ...
Scientists have long thought that the South Pole-Aitken basin was formed by a shallow-angle impact, but new research suggests ...
For most of history, the Moon was regarded as a mysterious and powerful object. Then scientists made it into a destination ...
This unsung research area involves 3D-printing smart materials that can change shape when they come into contact with stimuli like heat or light.
Troy Meink, the man nominated to head the airborne service, and his likely deputy believe space should be a priority ...
As a US federal agent, Tigran Gambaryan pioneered modern crypto investigations. Then at Binance, he got trapped between the ...
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Discovers a Cosmic Bullseye, Found to Be a Galaxy With Star-Filled Rings Astronomers observed a unique image of a galactic collision between galaxies which created a ...