Revisiting 'White Riot', the debut single by The Clash, which immediately established the punk credentials and politically-charged songwriting of Joe Strummer.
Never one to shy from taking a pot shot, Public Image Ltd frontman John Lydon highlighted one big name in rock as suffering from perpetual dourness.
Horsegirl’s Nora Cheng on music, mozzarella sticks and other important biz.
But you can stick your Kent, that I do know! From where I’m sat right now in my house in Southend, I can see Kent in the distance, ruining an otherwise beautiful view of the Essex riviera, the ...
It was Ginger becoming their lead singer, abetted by the discovery that CJ was naturally inclined towards vocal harmonies and, what’s more, that their two voices fitted like the proverbial hand in ...
Keep scrolling to see, in alphabetical order by artist, the Jewish highlights among ... NYC-focused track: lead singer Joe Strummer and guitarist Mick Jones. Performed by The Drifters and ...
There’s a rock fable about the Clash’s Joe Strummer not only accusing Tears ... if Tears for Fears doesn’t suffer for our art, we don’t make the best music,” Roland responds.
Joe Strummer went on to form and front Joe Strummer ... before quitting music in the early '90s in favour of becoming an artist. He has recently (2006) returned to music as bass player in a ...
He starred in the band’s ‘Bankrobber’ video and also managed Joe Ely. Hot Press is deeply saddened to learn that legendary Clash and John Cooper Clarke tour manager, Johnny Green (on the right in this ...
Now, over a quarter of a century after the legend's death, their daughter Frances Bean Cobain is famous in her own right as an artist and ... having starred in the Joe Strummer movie Straight ...