They argued that Trump’s alleged pressure campaign on Mike Pence would qualify as official conduct and is protected by “absolute” immunity.
The Roberts court has become so political that it is driving itself to term limits. As FDR put it in a Fireside Chat to the ...
The Roberts court has become so political that it is driving itself to term limits. As FDR put it in a Fireside Chat to the nation on March 9, 1937: “We have, therefore, reached the point as a nation ...
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has long been viewed as a moderate swing vote on the nation's highest court. However ...
The Brennan Center, a nonpartisan law and policy institute, renewed its calls for term limits for justices on the US Supreme ...
In the summer of 1941, James F. Byrnes became a Supreme Court justice. Little over a year later, he had had enough and left the court to take a key role in planning the ...
Far from being an anomaly or the brainchild of a single administration, Project 2025 is the latest manifestation of a decades ...
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) directly pressed Chief Justice John Roberts on the need for enforceable ethics reforms during the Supreme Court’s semiannual Judicial Conference ...
The New York Times was one of the leaders in spreading spurious accusations against Brett Kavanaugh. Both bylines on the New York Times piece, Jodi Kantor and Adam Liptak, are anti-court activists.
A revealing article in The New York Times details how the chief justice put his thumb on the scale for Trump to keep him on ...
Since he was appointed Supreme Court chief justice by George W. Bush in 2005, John Roberts has been something of an enigma.