JAMM AQUINO / JAQUINO @STARADVERTISER.COM At top, state Rep. Luke Evslin, left, holds son Levi, 6, while hanging out with state Rep. Trish La Chica, top right, who fixes 5-year-old daughter Ricki’s ...
A meeting of Falmouth Town Council was told last week that shoplifting has rocketed by a shocking 130 per cent in the Falmouth and Helston district.
Rep. Chris Todd counts “at least” 14 out of 51 — are juggling long days and often long nights this legislative session while ...
Shop workers in Falmouth say despite seeing improvements in the last year, shoplifting in the town reached an ‘horrendous’ level. Retailers told the Packet that the last year had been pretty rough for ...
Newcastle Utd launch boot recycling drive; BPF finds support for polystyrene recycling; Nottinghamshire man fined £4.5k for ...
The Cross Timbers Trail offers a completely different experience, showcasing Oklahoma’s native landscape in its more natural ...
Tucked away in Morgantown sits a bargain hunter’s paradise that has West Virginians setting their GPS and filling up their ...
Dr Max Bergmann from Morangup, WA, was diagnosed with Stargardt disease at just eight years old. Now legally blind, Max runs a camel farm.
Keith True and his family are big fans of building with LEGOs, so the LEGO train show on Saturday at the St. Charles Public ...
This year’s Minnesota Brick Convention, on April 12 and 13, will showcase more than double the Lego displays compared to last ...