The advertising for GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS tells us that this is the first time in nine years that Norbert Leo Butz has brought his show back to 54 Below. The same advertising says the show is ...
You’re being called back to the creative fire that makes you feel most alive, whether that's through art, romance, or play. Stop waiting for permission to be seen. Stop editing yourself to fit ...
Men er det vitterlig den selvbestaltede forhandlingernes mester og manden bag bogen ”The Art of the Deal”, Donald Trump, der har begået endnu et mesterstykke, eller har den ukrainske regering ...
Passionate Leo, you’re in love with love itself. And this Wednesday, March 19, a new attraction (or renewed passion with your current interest) may be so alluring that it’s hard to concentrate ...
En hyldet romankvartet om en lille by i Iowa og dens stærkt troende indbyggere bliver til levende billeder. Apple Original Films vil filmatisere Marilynne Robinsons Gilead-romaner, og Martin Scorsese ...
Brahms og Schubert. Strygere og klaver. Så bliver det da vist ikke mere klassisk, og man kan godt nogle gange tænke, hvad markedet skal med flere nye indspilninger af værker som Brahms’ kvartet i ...
Leading up to the first episode, there was chatter amongst OG fans on social media regarding how the legal drama might compare to its beloved predecessor. Well, now that they’ve seen the pilot ...
Fine art or fashion designing are other fields where you folks may be naturally drawn. As a Friend Leo is a fiercely loyal friend and an equally powerful enemy. Leos surround their guests with ...
Leo Messi forlod Barcelona i august 2021, og efter en kort periode i PSG fandt den argentinske stjerne en anden ungdom i Inter Miami, hvilket bragte et hidtil uset niveau af mediedækning ind i de ...
Be certain that your choice now will support the life you want, sweet Leo. As Juno stations retrograde in Sagittarius, you will focus on freedom, which may lead you to end a relationship unexpectedly.