Abraham Lincoln delivered a speech to the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois that today appears to be somewhat ...
As President Donald Trump attempts to reshape American government in his own image, the question of whether our democracy can ...
City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams teased her potential broader political ambitions in a fourth and final State of the City address Tuesday, focusing on citywide leadership and improving the lives of ...
At the close of the speech Mr. LINCOLN was presented with several splendid boquets and floral wreaths. An immense cheer for LINCOLN and the Union was then sent up by the crowd, and the reception ...
February 12 marks the birth of one of the greatest leaders of the United States of America. On February 12, 1809 one person ...
The best-laid plans are often better off ignored—at least that was the case with Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” ...
He begins his case thus: Here is Lincoln in a campaign speech in July of 1856, a few months prior to the Dred Scott decision: “The Supreme Court of the United States is the tribunal to decide ...
At 83 years old, Bernie Sanders has emerged as an unlikely leader of the Democratic resistance to Donald Trump.
after Mr. CHITTENDEN had delivered his speech, Major B.B. FRENCH read a patriotic poem, which was loudly applauded. Loud calls being made then for the President, Mr. LINCOLN stepped forward and ...
Mounted cavalry troops lined the streets from the president-elect’s hotel to the Capitol, and sharpshooters stood on rooftops ...
House Speaker Adrienne A. Jones (D-10) selected Delegate Ric Metzgar (R-6) to deliver the annual Lincoln Speech on Monday, Feb. 24 in the House Chamber. Session on Mondays begin at 8 p.m. to allow ...