While prolonged obstructed labour is a well-known cause of VVF, one of the most overlooked culprits is FGM. Prevalence and consequences ... by and about Africa - aggregating, producing and ...
Over 200 million women and girls around the world have undergone female genital mutilation. The largest share of these cases is happening in Africa ...
detailed national prevalence data is still only available for 31 countries. This lack of data is enabling reluctant governments to continue avoiding acknowledging or addressing FGM/C. Most ...
Despite this, comprehensive prevalence data exists for ... While funding for anti-FGM/C efforts remains low worldwide, Africa receives the majority of international resources.
Data from the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) 2022 shows that the national Female Gen*tal Mutilation (FGM) prevalence is at 15%, a downward trend compared to 32% recorded in 2003.
FGM is not just an issue in Nigeria. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 200 million women and girls across 30 countries have undergone the procedure, with high prevalence rates in ...
Although there is a consensus that female genital mutilation (FGM) has been a prevalence practice in Africa and Nigeria, with alarming outcome for many of the affected females who struggle in life to ...
It should go without saying that FGM is a violation of girls’ and women’s human rights. Africa accounts for ... in light of the U.N. report and statistics from UNICEF. Pamela Clerico lives ...