Scientists are confident Mars was once abundant with water, as seen in massive flood-carved channels, ancient river valleys, ...
A team of scientists just discovered the longest organic molecules yet seen on Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun and and a ...
From its perch in the foothills of the 3.4-mile-high mountain, you can see over an expanse of plains, called Aeolis Palus, ...
Chains of up to a dozen carbon atoms have been detected in what appears to have been an ancient lakebed on Mars, contributing ...
Elon Musk aims to colonize Mars despite challenges such as its extreme climate, thin atmosphere, and lack of liquid water.
Curiosity rover cracked open a Martian rock, revealing a sight never before seen on Mars - a dazzling display of yellow ...
Scientists analyzed a sample, which likely contained fatty acids, that transformed into alkanes during the heating process ...
NASA's Curiosity rover has discovered the largest chunk of organic compounds on Mars, hinting at potential life on the Red ...
The intriguing chemistry of a rock collected by the Perseverance rover could trace to microbial activity — or not.
Deimos is the smaller and less photographed of Mars’ moons. This egg-shaped object, only measuring about 7.7 miles in ...
The Red Planet and its tiny moon Deimos were recorded at a very near distance as the asteroid-chasing spacecraft completed a ...
Elon Musk and Donald Trump have announced ambitious plans to send a mission to Mars in 2026 and 2028. It’s not going to ...