"I see a madman beget madmen," Starbuck declares as the chase after Moby Dick is nearing its end, and as Captain Ahab is firing the crew of the Pequod to a frenzy of excitement. The trouble is ...
Conservationist are hoping to raise £80,000 to restore the huge skeleton of a 200-year-old whale which is mentioned in the classic novel Moby Dick Constable Moby, is a 58ft-long bull sperm whale which ...
Scheer’s libretto reduces the novel down to the central plot of Ahab chasing the whale, reminiscent of John Huston’s 1956 ...
This classic story by Herman Melville revolves around Captain Ahab and his obsession with a huge whale, Moby Dick. The whale caused the loss of Ahab's leg years before, leaving Ahab to stomp the ...