ULAN BATOR, March 25 (Xinhua) -- Mongolian police have arrested several men involved in poaching endangered brown bear and moose, the Ecological Police Department said Tuesday.
Li Dong prepares for patrol at Helan Mountain Nature Reserve in Alxa Left Banner of Alxa League, north China's Inner Mongolia ...
Chandrasekaran drove through 15 countries – Thailand, Laos, China, Mongolia, Russia, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the ...
A dinosaur fossil discovered in Mongolia boasts the largest ever complete claw, but the herbivorous species only used it to grasp vegetation ...
Forest rangers patrol at Helan Mountain Nature Reserve in Alxa Left Banner of Alxa League, north China's ...
The Helan Mountain Nature Reserve, established in 1992, is a forest and wildlife reserve located at the border of China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. At present ...
An archaeological discovery in Mongolia reveals the remains of Han warriors, victims of a brutal execution more than two millennia ago. This find sheds new light on burial practices and ...
Pakistan, and indeed all 12 of the snow leopard range countries, have made great strides in halting and reversing declines of snow leopards.
Foot and Mouth Disease is a disease that attacks hoofed animals, so people who eat animal meat are afraid. Foot-and-mouth ...
South Korea reported an additional foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) case at a local cattle farm, raising the number of cases this ...
Dr Rakesh Verma Migratory birds are a remarkable phenomenon in the animal kingdom, known for their extraordinary journeys ...