Perry, the miniature donkey whose playful spirit inspired Shrek’s iconic Donkey, has passed away at 30; here's what devastated fans have to say In an unexpected twist of fate, Perry, the ...
PALO ALTO, Calif. - Perry, the donkey that served as the model for "Donkey," a character in the "Shrek" movies, has died. He was 30. Perry died Saturday at Barron Park Donkeys, a pasture in Palo Alto.
Nintendo fans will surely have a blast this coming January as the classic Donkey Kong Country Returns arrives on the Nintendo Switch this month. All the goodness of the original Donkey Kong Country ...
A farm owner in Montana filmed the moment her horse met a baby donkey for the first time, capturing the hearts of social media users. The clip, which TikTok user @mr.winslow posted on December 21 ...
By Margaret Lyons “Drop the Dead Donkey,” available on the Roku Channel and Pluto, is a six-season British sitcom that debuted in 1990. It’s set at GlobeLink, a news station, and the show ...