Civil rights leaders and advocates join forces for a 24-hour town hall, offering a true assessment of America and preparing ...
Fake News is an UNPARDONABLE SIN!” Political commentator Reecie Colbert slammed President Trump’s personal attacks on Reid and others, calling him “a vile, disgusting pig.” She told ...
Daily Wire host Michael Knowles and Sirius XM host Reecie Colbert discuss President Trump's first month in office and political news of the day. Meet new members of Congress as they talk about ...
The official State of the Union will be filled with empty promises and misinformation, but the State of the People is our answer—a 24-hour livestream elevating the voices that truly reflect our ...
"Did you have time for that or was it a pain the ass?" Colbert asked Tillman as they recalled the late night host's set visit Ingrid Vasquez is a Digital News Writer at PEOPLE. She graduated from ...
President Trump referring to himself as a king “is the thing presidents are not supposed to do,” Colbert said on Thursday. By Trish Bendix Welcome to Best of Late Night, a rundown of the ...
Or as Stephen Colbert put it on Wednesday, “our government is getting spatchcocked by Elon Musk and his post-pubescent pink slip troopers.” “Naturally, the federal workers in their path of ...