The song of the chingolo can be heard across South America. But young songbirds were no longer learning the tunes of their ...
Clowns complete with red noses and tutus sung Carnival songs to sick children on the pediatric ward of a Rio de Janeiro ...
Superstar Anitta has won over pop music fans in Brazil and abroad, even more so since she added English and Spanish singing ...
The Academy has long had a fascination with songs with a Latin flair, dating back to the category’s first year, 1934, when “Carioca” from Flying Down to Rio was nominated. However ...
The significant presence of samba-themes about Afro-Brazilian religions at this year's Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is not a mere "coincidence", but rather "a movement", according to songwriter ...
RIO DE JANEIRO — Anitta has become a pop music ... Every samba school must have a song that is repeatedly played for up to 80 minutes to support the theme behind its costumes and floats.
A cultural phenomenon from Rio de Janeiro's suburbs is conquering Brazil. At the "Baile Charme," the city's traditional Black music parties, collective dancing fosters community and identity.
"Up to 5,000 people come to dance here every weekend, since 1994," Eduardo tells DW.
During Carnival, groups like Sons of Gandhi promote Afro-Brazilian culture, while events like the Blocao Carnival party bring ...
This year’s Momo is 28-year-old Kaio Mackenzie, from the working-class Mangueira community. Rio’s Carnival queen and princesses joined him, dancing to samba music as they held the city key aloft and ...
During Carnival, the small Brazilian town of Sao Luiz do Paraitinga’s calm everyday life transforms into a joyful party known ...
There is still some time to go until the festivities, but street parties and samba school rehearsals are already kicking off ...