Avengers Assemble is created by writer Steve Orlando, penciled by José Luis Soares Pinto, inked by Oren Junior, colored by ...
Brave New World and Thunderbolts* are set to lead directly into Avengers: Doomsday and these new stills showcase Captain ...
Marvel Rivals' lack of role queue inspires what some may call unorthodox compositions, but can an MCU Avengers team win a ...
Last year, there were reports that Marvel Studios had abandoned plans for their Young Avengers team-up movie. Instead, the ...
Marvel fans are sharing the love for an underrated MCU villain: Helmut Zemo, played by Daniel Brühl.
New rumors suggest that Marvel may finally recast the role of T’Challa four years after the death of original ‘Black Panther’ ...
Marvel Comics has introduced many "legacy" characters over the years, but Kid Juggernaut - a member of the Champions ...
Over the years, a  Hulk vs. Wolverine  movie has been talked about among fans without much real substance or solid facts to ...
A Wicked movie cast member is rumored to be on Marvel Studios' radar for an iconic mutant role in the MCU's upcoming X-Men ...
I was surprised to learn that Marvel counts Venom as an official member of the Avengers – and not any one host, but the symbiote itself. Over the years, Marvel has introduced dozens of different teams ...
The role was initially played by the late Chadwick Boseman, who debuted in 2016’s ‘Captain America: Civil War. ’ ...
There's nothing like a good heist movie, where the object is simple but the plan to pull them off are anything but. But what ...