In the fifth installment of this popular presentation, Randy Dixon and Kyle Kellams will explore news and events from history by the decade and show historic KATV video of defining news from each era ...
The Arkansas Medical Society recognized its 150th anniversary on January 16 at the Arkansas State Capitol.Dr. George Conner ...
Arkansas College Art History Symposium has extended its deadline to Sunday for Arkansas undergraduate students to submit abstracts of papers to be given March 6-7 at the U of A School of Art.
Special guest Titus Underwood will give an oboe masterclass and talk about the classical music scene, and headliner hip-hop artist BAANG and his band will perform Friday evening as part of the 12th ...
The event will take place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7, on the third floor of the Arkansas Union. All students, faculty and staff are welcome to come celebrate the legacy of Silas Hunt.
Arkansas Times’ annual Best and Worst compilation, a concept that launched in 1977 as The Arkansas Times Catfish Awards. The name changed to Best & Worst of Arkansas in 1984, but the bottomfeeder ...
The campus community is invited to The Multicultural Center's grand opening of their newly renovated space on the fourth floor of the Arkansas Union from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29.