The Delhi Police announced a party for those violating road safety norms on New Year's Eve. The police team openly extended ...
"The police department took all necessary precautions, and the youth celebrated peacefully. I extend my congratulations," an ...
Delhi police have identified more than 25 "illegal" immigrants from Bangladesh and have started the process to deport them to ...
According to a 16-minute audio clip that investigators were able to access, Khurana's wife can be heard demanding her share of money.
Puneet Khurana co-owned the bakery with his wife. The couple, who married in 2016, were in the middle of getting a divorce ...
Puneet Khurana, the co-founder of a popular cafe in Delhi, was found dead at his residence on Tuesday evening. Khurana was ...
The man has left behind a video and the police have recovered his phone and called his wife for questioning.
Delhi police identified over 25 illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and initiated their deportation. Authorities also ...
New Delhi: A business owner in Delhi allegedly died by suicide amid an ongoing divorce case with his wife, the police said.
A man was allegedly found dead at his residence in Delhi on Tuesday evening, with the cops suspecting it as a death by ...
The Crime Branch wing seized 2 lakh Alprazolam tablets, from two locations - near Sonia Vihar and a godown in Uttar Pradesh's ...