During an ancient warm period, the trees had grown at an elevation above 10,000 feet – about 600 feet higher than where the ...
The morning of Jan. 14, Kay Stratman and Paul Hansen were delighted to watch a momma moose with twins munching raspberry ...
Researchers are revealing the secrets of 6,000-year-old pine forests, preserved in ice patches in the Beartooth Mountains.
T hawing ice has unveiled remains of a long-lost forest in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, indicating the profound changes ...
Speedy the bison died Thursday after spending 24 years as one of the best-known and beloved bison in the Greater Yellowstone ...
Extremely rare footage shows the cougar, or mountain lion, attempting to gain an edge on several goats perched on a cliff.
For more than 5,000 years, a stand of whitebark pine trees in the Beartooth Mountains were preserved in an ice patch. During an ancient warm period, the trees had grown at an elevation above ...
Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed. – Friedrich Nietzsche Listen ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has denied Montana and Wyoming’s petition to delist grizzly bears in the Greater Greater ...
I was glad to see that Billy Arnold’s Dec. 18 article on the upcoming Bridger-Teton National Forest plan revisions noted the general consensus among area residents that roadless areas should ...