Brown & Root - Condor Algerie (BRC Algerie), an Algerian affiliate of Haliburton, was the target of an attack in Algiers on Dec.10. A bus carrying the firm’s employees came under gun fire, and one ...
The former governor of Buheyrat Province under the regime of general Jaafar Mohamed al Nimeiri was named on February 12 as the representative for external relations and peace of Sudanese People's ...
The request should land on the desk of African Union Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security Bankole Adeoye before the end of the week: Somalia, which is seeking to replace the ...
Independent deputy for Chlef from 2002 to 2007, M’hamed Meddah Araibi has switched successfully to project management assistance for public sector bodies. His company, Genie Mauresque, has just ...
An ethnic Ndau like the head of RENAMO, Afonso Dhlakama, and the archbishop of Beira, Jaime Gonçalves, the governor of Beira insisted again last week on the need for RENAMO and Frelimo to form a ...
Last month's announcement that the Central Bank of Seychelles governor Aboo Aumeeruddy would be on medical leave until further notice for treatment in France was an advance sign of his forthcoming ...
A former member of the now defunct Federal Democratic Movement and today leader of a group of anti-government rebels based inside Uganda (see "Museveni plays it carefully", page 2 in this issue), Fred ...
The former defence minister of ex-president Milton Obote has created an anti-government guerrilla movement, the Uganda Popular Freedom Movement, at Tororo. Aged about fifty and from the Iteso tribe, ...
The new director general of Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA), Etherton Mpisaunga who replaces Joseph F. Chigwedere in this post, will have a lot to do if he wants to pull up the management of this ...
Businessman Chedly Zouten, who ran for president during the era of Habib Bourguiba, is working on a project to build a Formula 1 car racing circuit not far from the new airport at Enfidha. On Nov. 7, ...
Contacted by Africa Intelligence, Alsandross said it was working in partnership with the state-owned Iraqi Drilling Co (IDC) and insisted it was "exploiting oil in Iraq". While Alsandross does have an ...
Transamine has interests across the world and is already familiar with Morocco. The company buys minerals from other companies, and also acquired a stake in tin explorer Kasbah Resources (AI, 12/03/13 ...