Hello everyone! I'm “Mak Mak”! I am a lively and active girl with the mission to promote Macao.
Macau International Airport operates 24 hours a day, with many visitors entering the territory via numerous major cities around the region. For detailed information on flight schedules, please visit ...
天氣酷熱。多雲,部份時間有陽光。有一兩陣驟雨。吹2至3級北至東北風。相對濕度介乎百分之60至95之間。預測最高紫外線指數約為 10,級別屬於甚高。 天氣酷熱。多雲,短暫時間有陽光。
Cloudy apart from sunny periods. Force 3 to 4 east to northeasterly winds. Relative humidity will range between 60% and 90%. Maximum UV index is expected to be 10, which is classified as Very High.
Olá! Sou a “Mak Mak”! Sou uma menina activa e dinâmica. Estou a assumir a missão de promover Macau.
澳门国际机场是二十四小时运作,每天有多班来自不同城市的航班降落澳门国际机场,来自各地的旅客均可经机场口岸进入澳门。请参看澳门国际机场网页提供的航班资料:www.macau-airport.com或 ...