Conflict entrepreneurs politicise conversations over the Middle East and then decry the breakdown in social cohesion. They’re ...
On Friday, anti-Semitic graffiti was reported in Sydney. Hours later, Islamophobic graffiti was found. Jewish historians say the trend is in line with a complex issue underlying Australian society.
After a string of anti-Semitic incidents in the past week, Jewish community leaders say they are constantly looking over ...
Sadly, since October 7, the Greens party has been careless about its responsibility to prevent anti-Semitism, and ...
A series of antisemitic attacks occurred in Sydney’s Dover Heights. Vehicles were defaced, set alight, and hateful graffiti ...
The federal government is pouring $106m over four years to counter terrorism and violent extremism through a new strategy ...
EDITORIAL: Ongoing anti-Semitic incidents have left Australia’s Jewish community in fear for their lives. How much longer can ...
Former home of Jewish leader vandalized,latest in a series of antisemitic attacks in Sydney::7, 2025:: Sydney, Australia:: ...
Investigations are underway into an anti-semitic attack in Sydney’s east overnight. In Dover Heights two cars were set on ...
Four vehicles and the former home of a Jewish community leader were defaced in Sydney early Friday, with two cars set alight, ...
Multiple cars were set alight and at least one painted with offensive slurs in Dover Heights in Sydney's eastern suburbs.
Two synagogues in Sydney were defaced on consecutive days with swastikas and other antisemitic language.