The Taliban said that they have deploying 90,000 CCTV cameras across Kabul, a move they claim is aimed at enhancing security and reducing crime. However, critics argue that the surveillance network can act as tool for mass control.
In a crowded control centre, surrounded by dozens of TV screens, the Taliban's police force proudly shows off its newly-acquired network of 90,000 CCTV cameras - used to watch over the day-to-day lives of millions of people.
A Foreign Office whistleblower has won a case for unfair dismissal over her disclosures to the BBC about the UK evacuation from Afghanistan. Josie Stewart revealed details of the chaotic August 2021 withdrawal from Kabul and emails which suggested then Prime Minister Boris Johnson's had been involved in the evacuation of a pet charity.
While authorities claim the surveillance network is intended to combat crime, critics warn it could be used to enforce the Taliban’s strict morality codes under Sharia law.
KABUL (Pajhwok): A business meeting between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan has been held in Termez, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) said on Sunday. The meeting was attended by Minister of Commerce Nooruddin Azizi and Uzbekistan’s Minister of Investment, Industry and Trade Laziz Kudratov, a statement from the MoCI said.
The Taliban has confirmed the arrest of two British nationals in their 70s in Afghanistan. It follows an appeal by the children of Peter and Barbie Reynolds for their release.
The construction of a new Buthkhak substation in the Bagrami district of Kabul and a 220 Kilowatt transmission line from Arghandi substation to Buthkhak substation . . .
There are very few restaurants in the Chicago area focusing on the food of Afghanistan. But one spot in Evanston has been cooking those traditional dishes for almost 25 years.
The initial challenge was to find the right location to represent Kabul – primarily from an artistic perspective, but while also meeting production constraints. “Long before location scouting, we conducted extensive research using photos,
(In this exclusive excerpt from Rick Steves’ “On the Hippie Trail: Istanbul to Kathmandu and the Making of a Travel Writer,” Steves leaves his friend Gene Openshaw at a hotel to recover from a persistent stomach ailment and sets out to explore Kabul, Afghanistan, on his own.)
Thousands of cameras are now being used to monitor the movements of Kabul residents In a crowded control centre, surrounded by dozens of TV screens, the Taliban's police force proudly shows off ...
Josie Stewart revealed details of the chaotic August 2021 withdrawal from Kabul and emails which suggested then Prime Minister Boris Johnson had been involved in the evacuation of a pet charity.