Directed by Antoine Fuqua (“Training Day,” “The Equalizer” films) with a script by three-time Oscar nominee John Logan, “Michael” tells the story of the late superstar, who died in 2009 at the age of 50 as a result of acute propofol intoxication.
As the Michael Jackson biopic undergoes potential reshoots amidst some alleged legal issues, a new report suggests the film could perhaps be split into two films. According to a new report from Jeff Sneider’s The InSneider,
On June 6, 1992, Triumph International filed patent number US5255452A (also available here and here) under the names Michael J. Jackson, Michael L. Bush and Dennis Tompkins. Titled "Method and means for creating anti-gravity illusion," the patent abstract read:
The upcoming Michael Jackson movie, which finished filming in May 2024, reportedly requires major reshoots after it was discovered that a past settlement barred a former molestation accuser from having their story be dramatized,
Bruno Mars matches Michael Jackson's 37 weeks spent at No. 1 on the Hot 100 as "Die with a Smile" with Lady Gaga holds on and rules once more.
"Michael," starring Jaafar Jackson, faces controversy over its depiction of abuse allegations and a $23 million settlement.
A biopic about the late musical superstar Michael Jackson has been postponed for a minimum of six months and is to require reshoots of crucial scenes due to legal issues over the portrayed of child sexual abuse claims.
A key agreement in a massive settlement was reportedly overlooked while vetting the script, leaving producers scrambling to do rewrites and reshoots.
The sheer scale of Michael Jackson’s fame can sometimes overshadow the music itself. From the moment he danced into America’s hearts as the 11-year-old lead singer of the Jackson 5 on their chart-topping 1969 debut single “I Want You Back,
This October, the Michael Jackson biopic Michael is scheduled to open in theaters, and it’s probably going to be a big deal. The film, which has been in the works for years, has already wrapped production.
T here are a lot of moving pieces that go into making something as massive as director Antoine Fuqua’s Michael Jackson biopic. Unfortunately for all involved in this 2025 movie,
Written by two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Lynn Nottage, MJ: The Musical is set over two days leading up to the first show of Jackson’s 1992 Dangerous world tour, one year before the allegations of child abuse first surfaced against pop’s biggest superstar.