Karnataka’s 14-year-old swimming sensation Dhinidhi Desinghu dominated the pool with her fourth gold, while the weightlifters continued top class performance with Manipur’s S Bindyarani Devi smashing ...
Doctors, sportspersons and people from different walks of life have supported Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s clarion call to fight obesity and reduce oil consumption. During his recent address at the ...
The 45th annual Empire State Winter Games (ESWG) featured a huge day for paying tribute to the thousands of athletes that will compete in 24 different winter sporting events over the weekend. A torch ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for a national effort to combat obesity and reduce oil consumption. Speaking at the 38th National Games in Dehradun, he emphasised the importance of regular ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged the nation to combat obesity and decrease oil usage, garnering support from doctors, ...
Indias emerging swimming star, Dhinidhi Desinghu, delivered a spectacular performance on the opening day of the 38th National ...
Obesity has become a silent epidemic, affecting millions worldwide. While most people blame junk food, sugary beverages, and ...
In his inaugural address at the 38th National Games in Dehradun on January 28, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spotlighted a surprising contributor to India's rising obesity rates: excessive cooking oil ...
Chhattisgarh athletes excel at the 38th National Games in Uttarakhand, winning four gold and three bronze medals. Highlights ...
Manipur's pride, Athouba Meitei, clinched two gold medals at the 38th National Games. His victories in duathlon and triathlon ...
Milwaukee Bucks guard Damian Lillard has officially been named an All-Star reserve. This will be his second consecutive ...
Manipur’s Sarungbam Athouba Meitei has etched his name in history by clinching his second gold medal at the 38th National ...