The next issue of Shonen Ace has officially announced a Bungo Stray Dogs spin-off manga titled STORM BRINGER with a release date of January 24. The series will also be written by Hoshikawa Shiwasu.
The February 2025 issue of Kadokawa's Monthly Shōnen Ace magazine revealed on Wednesday that Shiwasu Hoshikawa will launch a new manga titled Bungō Stray Dogs STORM BRINGER in the magazine's ...
Highly-anticipated shoujo anime Honey Lemon Soda receives an English dub debut on Crunchyroll. Only the first dubbed episode released today, with weekly episodes to follow a few weeks behind. Fan ...
Voice actors bring anime characters to life, with many iconic characters voiced by the same actors. Various talented voice ...
Areeba Khan has been writing about entertainment since 2020. Her favorite anime include Death Note, Monster, Bungo Stray Dogs ...
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A Memphis man has been trying to get stray dogs he claims are aggressive moved out of his neighborhood and taken somewhere safe so that he and his neighbors can be safe too.
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Stray dogs are being killed on a large scale in Kirkuk in a campaign initiated by the mayor after four stray dogs killed a child. On Saturday, nine-year-old Alan Ayman ...
ISTANBUL, Turkey (WFLA) — A stray dog was caught on camera carrying her sick puppy to the front door of a veterinarian clinic in Turkey earlier this week. On Monday, staff at Beylikduzu Alfa ...
Terrified by stray dog menace that killed two children in the village, residents did not allow their children to venture out even for flying kites on Lohri The authorities remain unmoved even two ...
Six days after a 10-year-old boy was killed, pack of stray dogs fatally attack 13-year-old son of a farmer at Hasanpur village, located near a carcass ground where they feed. In another shocking ...
A Thai woman has warmed many hearts by comforting a stray dog startled by New Year fireworks, while raising concerns about the festive celebration’s possible risk to the health of animals.
studies have highlighted how much shelter dogs benefit from one-on-one care. Chewy receives a pet from a human. His rescuers discovered this stray had a secret. Chewy receives a pet from a human.