Did you know Antarctica, the southernmost continent, hosts some of the most beautiful ice caves on our planet? Not only do they make for a unique adventure (if you can survive the cold ...
The number of confirmed wolf depredation incidents is on the rise as California's gray wolf population slowly recovers Wildlife officials and ranchers are working together to find solutions to ...
Analyze monthly-averaged or daily sea ice extent and concentration via interactive maps. Plot monthly ice extent anomalies, map sea ice concentration anomalies, and more. Use a map-based interface to ...
Hikers are flocking to Switzerland to see ice caves that are there for a limited time only. Never mind that they are extremely dangerous and potentially lethal, these ice caves on the Morteratsch ...
The entrance to the Garden Cave is also the point of no return. This means that once you head to the Garden, you can no longer return to freely explore previous regions. In the Galawain's Tusks region ...
For the steadfast and devout ice cream lovers among us, winter isn’t the off-season; it’s just the season when ice cream melts more slowly. Here, we offer a snapshot of North Little Rock’s ...
This is one of those outings that’s more about the hike than the destination. While the views at the lookout of Mount Mansfield and the valley below are beautiful, the ice formations on the trail are ...
Columns of ice glisten in Hyakujojiki cave in Date, Hokkaido. The columns are formed by water that drips from the cave’s ceiling and freezes. As visitors must walk 2.2 kilometers from the nearest ...
The National Weather Service has just released new projections for snowfall accumulation and ice amounts as a new winter storm nears the region. About 3 to 4 inches acrosse New York City, Long Island ...