DIY XWii controller merges Wii U gamepad design with modern features, making it ideal for gamers Building the controller requires electronic components, PCBs, 3D-printed parts, and soldering ...
The comfortable and familiar design compliments most types of games, and with a few upgrades here and there, you’ll be able to enjoy enhanced grip, record gameplay, and remap the controller’s ...
[Akaki Kuumeri]’s latest project turns an Xbox One gamepad into a throttle-and-stick ... to increase spring tension if desired. The design looks great, and the linkages in particular look ...
Cloud streaming has come on leaps and bounds, and playing on a mobile is not what it used to be if you're willing to invest in the right controller for you. Of course, mobile gaming is great ...
These controllers will be a natural fit. To test PC gamepads, we use Hardware Tester’s Gamepad Tester app to ensure there are no inherent issues with a controller’s sticks or buttons.
We like this project for its sheer simplicity. After all, recreating the hardware in the controller for a modern gaming system is next to impossible. [Guillermo A. Amaral B.] had a bunch of parts ...