Uncharted The Lost Legacy was initially planned as an expansion to A Thief's End. However, Naughty Dog decided to give Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross their time to shine as a standalone project.
Following Uncharted’s 2022 cinematic outing and The Last of Us’ hit HBO show, it was only a matter of time until Sony ...
Sony should look towards some of the highest-rated games on the PlayStation Store to get an idea of what legacy franchises ...
Over 4,000 games released on the PS4 are now playable on the new PlayStation 5. The list includes everything from large-scale AAA titles like Uncharted 4 and Days Gone to indie games. The list is ...
Upgrade your PS5 Slim Digital or PS5 Pro with the ability to play PS5 and PS4 game discs.
How well do you know the Uncharted games? One of Sony's heaviest hitters of the PS3 and PS4 eras, Naughty Dog struck gold ...
That Horizon Zero Dawn Netflix series might have been canned, but don't worry, Sony has another trick up its sleeve: a film adaptation.
Naughty Dog found its way to the consoles of Hollywood's favorite power couple right now. Tom Holland and Zendaya are pure ...
Sony has announced a movie adaptation of Horizon Zero Dawn. The collaboration between PlayStation Studios and Columbia ...
The co-founder of Naughty Dog has explained why the studio was sold to Sony nearly 25 years ago, stating it was 'the right call.' ...
Intergalactic: Heretic Prophet was met with an unexpected wave of backlash, the negativity is not only premature but entirely ...
This is uncharted ground for Oklahoma football, which long has been in the business of hiring other schools’ coaches and keeping those it wants. But that apparently no longer is the case.