During an ancient warm period, the trees had grown at an elevation above 10,000 feet – about 600 feet higher than where the ...
Researchers are revealing the secrets of 6,000-year-old pine forests, preserved in ice patches in the Beartooth Mountains.
An ancient, fossilized forest, which thrived for centuries at high altitude, has been revealed beneath a melting ice patch.
Scientists at Montana State University (MSU) studied the remains of a mature whitebark pine forest that formed nearly 6,000 ...
Extremely rare footage shows the cougar, or mountain lion, attempting to gain an edge on several goats perched on a cliff.
Researchers discovered more than 30 dead whitebark pine trees that were entombed in ice for millennia, representing a bygone ...
The comment period just opened for the proposal to keep grizzlies in the Northern Rockies classified as “threatened” — with ...
An ancient fossilized forest in Montana is reemerging 600 feet higher than the present-day tree line after spending the last ...
Speedy the bison died Thursday after spending 24 years as one of the best-known and beloved bison in the Greater Yellowstone ...
Thawing ice has unveiled remains of a long-lost forest in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, indicating the profound changes that have influenced the area – and perhaps what might lie ahead.
For more than 5,000 years, a stand of whitebark pine trees in the Beartooth Mountains were preserved in an ice patch. During an ancient warm period, the trees had grown at an elevation above ...