Designer Tarun Tahiliani shared the details of Ambani’s stunning Jamewar saree on his official Instagram. The couture saree, crafted over 1,900 hours, beautifully showcased Indian craftsmanship, ...
Nita Ambani, the founder and chairperson of Reliance Foundation, made a stunning statement at a special dinner hosted in honour of the now US President Donald Trump in Washington over the weekend.
Nita Ambani, the founder and chairperson of Reliance Foundation, made a stunning statement at a special dinner hosted in ...
The saree, crafted over 1,900 meticulous hours, features intricate aari work and delicate French knots, creating a stunning interplay of texture and detail.
Nita Ambani captivated attendees in a stunning jamewar saree at a dinner for President Elect Donald Trump, showcasing ...
Nita Ambani turned heads at Trump's pre-inauguration dinner in a 1,900-hour hand-painted jamewar saree, a fusion of ...
The ensemble not only showcased Nita's refined taste but also represented India's rich textile heritage on an international ...
as soon as donald trump was sworn in as the 47th president of the united states, he wasted no time in signing several ...
A new Diddy documentary is set to dive into the explosive revelations of the disgraced rapper's rise and fall, exposing his scandals and secrets. Find the details inside.
Kang Tae Oh and Lee Sun Bin come together for the first script reading of the upcoming K-drama The Potato Lab. Check out the PICS inside.
Nita Ambani’s Indian ensembles from Donald Trump’s inauguration have received high praise. At the special events, she donned ...
Actress Rashmika Mandanna, who recently sustained a serious leg injury during a gym session, was seen in a wheelchair at ...