Swift will publish a new biography of Margaret Thatcher, The Incidental Feminist: Friend, Foe, Femme Fatale: The Truth About ...
While the U.S. spends more money on foreign aid, there is more poverty and more political instability, and developing ...
Winston Churchill coined the phrase to describe what has become an enduring diplomatic priority, but relationships between ...
The former Labour leader spoke to Metro about Keir Starmer, Aneurin Bevan, and the worst moment in Labour history.
Unlike France’s nuclear deterrent, which is a wholly national endeavour, Britain’s forces, while “operationally independent”, ...
It was a by-election that caused a political earthquake. In 1981, Shirley Williams changed the temperature in Westminster ...
Veteran investor Jim Rogers has sold all his US stocks due to market volatility under Trump's unpredictable leadership. He is ...
Writing for HuffPost UK, Lord McConnell says increasing defence spending must not come at the expense of the world's poorest ...
U.K. native Timothy Garton Ash is one of the world's most influential historians. He discusses what Germany’s «shocking» ...
Three times in the postwar era Germany made strategic choices that benefited Europe—with the US at its side. Now it must do ...
Keir Starmer and Donald Trump will likely be all smiles during their meeting Thursday — but a frosty encounter between the ...
I knew I had to visit the home of Bismarck to properly appreciate his position in German history. I also visited Germany when ...