At least seven Nepalis were killed in the Jalgaon train accident in Maharashtra, India on Wednesday evening. Five among seven Nepalis killed are from Sudurpaschim Province—four from Achham and one ...
Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan, Bollywood icons, have both struggled with smoking. SRK, once smoking 100 cigarettes a day, quit on his 59th birthday for better health. Salman, a former chain smoker, ...
A number of passengers who died in the Pushpak Express accident were either working as labourers at construction sites or working as security guards and house helps in and around Mumbai. A few ...
Shaukat Ali, another migrant worker from Nepal who was travelling with Lachchiram, said he and a co-passenger survived by a whisker as they lay in a sliver of space between the Lucknow-Mumbai Pushpak ...
At least 12 people were killed and 10 others injured on Wednesday after they jumped off the Mumbai-bound Pushpak Express amid rumours of a fire in a coach and were mowed down by the Karnataka Express ...