By Mia Costales I saw you for a split-second on the side of the 101, a blur of soft doe fur and bloodied innards trailing behind you. What beauty you possessed, your body laid out with such ...
By Ariana Wilson The 2024-2025 school year has begun, and so have the fall seasons for our newest athletic teams on campus. Although this is the third season for women’s triathlon, this season ...
By Alexandra Berrocal I was a regular tea-drinker. My aunt kept boxes of tea in her kitchen, and I visited my aunt often, so I wound up drinking tea often — I tasted chai for the first time in her ...
By Julia Kern I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a random weekday, a little over a year ago, I was in my room aimlessly scrolling on my computer through what felt like an endless list of ...
Lonely Quiet Highway and The Great Failure By Alexandra Berrocal Natalie Goldberg woke up at 5 a.m. to go to the zendo, a Japanese meditation hall. She described waking up in the biting cold ...
Squirrel Nests Potentially Disturbed By New Building Construction By: Emma Wilson and Andres Felix Romero A little after 4 p.m. on Aug. 30, Harper Lacey, a California Polytechnic Humboldt ...
By Noah Pond Cal Poly Humboldt is implementing a new student-to-student on-campus food delivery program. The university has partnered up with a company called BYPPO Campus. BYPPO’s website states ...
By Mia Costales It was an unusually warm Thursday in Arcata and the hum of cars speeding past the D Street Community parking lot were reminiscent of the buzzing of cicadas. Nestled in the shady ...
By Alina Ferguson What I am about to say is really a hot take, pun intended. I think, wholeheartedly, that tea is better than coffee. Tea is relaxing.You sip tea and people watch outside ...
By Julia Kelm It was a sunny Tuesday morning at Cal Poly Humboldt, and students were gathered in the library eager to hear about NASA’s (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) ...
By Savana Robinson My psychosis My father carried me to his duty vehicle with my feet bloody and raw. I had run almost two miles from home — barefoot at night, in winter. This wasn’t even the peak ...