The US president says he wants displaced Palestinians to be moved from Gaza to neighbouring countries, maybe for the long term.
Australia was a trailblazer from the inception of International Women’s Year. But despite the gains, there are still forces pushing back against women’s empowerment.
Health supplements have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people turning to them in hopes of improving overall health and reducing risk of diseases like cancer. The allure of ...
Red envelopes are a cherished cultural tradition in China and many other parts of Asia. Here’s where they come from – and their possible digital future.
Kathryn Page, Adjunct Professor in Management, Swinburne University of Technology The start of the new year could be the best time to decide if your employer is doing enough to create a healthy and ...
The transition to renewable energy in Africa should have energy for everyone as its goal or the 600 million African people who lack electricity may remain without.
Hate continues to grow at an alarming speed, and the world must do more to fight growing antisemitism the UN Secretary-General said on Monday, honouring the victims of the Holocaust and those who ...
Lindy Willmott, Professor of Law, Australian Centre for Health Law Research, Queensland University of Technology Rachel Feeney, Research Fellow, Australian Centre for Health Law Research, Queensland ...
Give a bacteria-fungi biofilm access to sweetened tea and you can make not only kombucha – but a fibre vital to making clothing.
This fruit (yep, it’s a fruit from a tree, not a vegetable) is widely associated with brunch culture and other trendy eating habits. The Australian avocado industry developed in the 1960s, 30 years ...
An inert and unreactive gas may not seem like an obvious candidate for treating Alzheimer’s disease, yet a new study in mice suggests that xenon might just be the breakthrough we need. Xenon is one of ...
Numerous incidents of suspected Russian-linked sabotage of undersea cables in the Baltic Sea has seen tensions rise among nearby countries, and an increased Nato presence. In the latest incident, on ...