Zhurong rover's radar detects a buried Martian shoreline, supporting theories of an ancient ocean in the Utopia Basin.
According to scientists from the University of Portsmouth, water first formed in the debris of supernova explosions 100 to ...
Fans of DC’s Absolute Universe are getting their first look at Absolute Martian Manhunter, a book that promises to be the ...
The Perseverance Mars rover's Mastcam-Z camera the Martian moon Phobos transit the Sun. See real-time and time-lapsed views here. Credit: Space.com | NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS/SSI | edited by Steve Sp ...
Step aside, Santa Monica. It seems that Mars once had beaches that would give the Californian coast a run for its money.
A new study in the journal Nature Communications reveals that Mars is red for very much the same reason it may have once been home to life — namely, that it was a wet planet. This is in line with ...
A new study claims that a mineral found in Mars' dust called ferrihydrite, which forms in the presence of cool water, is likely what gives the planet its reddish hue.
Welcome to The A.V. Club ’s monthly comics preview, where we recommend new books to check out over the next few weeks. This ...
Vincent Chevrier, associate research professor at the University of Arkansas Center for Space and Planetary Sciences, is part ...
Luna skims by Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, and Jupiter as it grows from a thin crescent to just past First Quarter in the ...
Mars’s red dust may contain ferrihydrite, an iron mineral that forms in water. This suggests ancient Mars had water for ...
During the past year, place names from the Grand Canyon have turned up on the surface of Mars. To find out why, author Scott ...