Drivers GeForce Oficiais | NVIDIA
Faça o download dos drivers GeForce oficiais mais atuais para aprimorar sua experiência nos games para PC e executar aplicativos com mais rapidez.
safely overclocking an ASUS STRIX GTX 970? - NVIDIA
The ASUS STRIX 970 is locked at 1.212v. It makes for a card that has very limited overclocking potential. Some guys get lucky with them, and with a very nice win in the silicon lottery, they're able to push past 1500.
Drivers GeForce oficiales | NVIDIA
Descarga los drivers GeForce oficiales más recientes para mejorar tu experiencia de gaming en PC y acelerar el rendimiento de las apps.
GTX 970 graphics card. The GTX 970 is a powerful graphics card that gives you the fast, smooth, quiet gaming you’re looking for in all your favorite titles. With features like GPU boost 2.0, NVIDIA TXAA, and NVIDIA PhysX, this graphics card will give you the best your games have to offer. Plus, with NVIDIA’s GeForce Experience built
New ASUS Strix GTX 970 BIOS update - | NVIDIA GeForce Forums
Posted by Bigglet: “New ASUS Strix GTX 970 BIOS update - Fixes black screen on windows log”
Download The Official NVIDIA Drivers | NVIDIA
Download the latest official NVIDIA drivers to enhance your PC gaming experience and run apps faster.
Fix for Black Screen Crash - ASUS GTX 970 Strix - NVIDIA
Asus GTX 970 Strix 4GB, Windows 7 64Bit. 1000W PSU. I've been having a problem in several games (Skyrim, Titanfall, Elite Dangerous) where desktop could run happily for several hours no problem, but in the games would crash to a black screen with …
Official GeForce Drivers | NVIDIA
Nov 12, 2019 · Download the latest official GeForce drivers to enhance your PC gaming experience and run apps faster.
Driver GeForce ufficiali | NVIDIA
Scarica gli ultimi driver ufficiali GeForce per migliorare la tua esperienza di gioco su PC ed eseguire le applicazioni più velocemente.
Asus Strix GTX 970 only one fan spins - NVIDIA
After using ATI/AMD for about 18 years, I finally made the switch to the green camp. And my first Nvidia card is the Asus Strix GTX 970 (upgrading from Radeon HD 6850). Before buying the Asus GTX 970, I came to this forum and other PC gaming forums. I am aware of the black screen issue and frame rate issue some GTX 970 owners had experienced.