Kreskin - The Magician's Forum
Kreskin was the magical hero of my youth. In the 70s the Americans were still here at the Panama Canal and the US Armed Forces had a TV station called SCN (Southern Command News). They transmitted Kreskin's show "The Amazing World of Kreskin" and I never missed it.
Kreskin Vanishes - The Magician's Forum
There is much to learn from studying the work of Kreskin and back in the olden days when the Magic Cafe was a friendly and helpful place I discovered this source of psychological profiling from one of his performances: The Magic Cafe Forums - Kreskin Performance - Review and Analysis The Magic Cafe Forums - Kreskin Analysis - The Sequel
RIP Kreskin - The Magician's Forum
Kreskin was a regular. His line of bull was legendary and he generally owned the audience with his cold reading. He never shied away from being a magician and always opened his act with a magic trick - linking finger rings and linking rings, I remember.
The Leave Kreskin Alone Thread... - The Magician's Forum
Well, I can see over at the green place, they are showing a clip of The Amazing Kreskin who is being interviewed by a TV reporter, and well, things didn't work out so well for Kreskin, who botched up a card effect & well things didn't go well for him that day. All you green place posters can say all you want about Kreskin. You all would love to have his performing resume. No, I …
Your Favorite Mentalist Of All Time? - The Magician's Forum
Derren Brown, Kreskin, Peter Turner, Richard Osterlind, Kenton Knepper, Richard Busch, Max Maven, Eugene Burger, yes there are so many magicians who have influenced me that it is getting very difficult to narrow it down, but narrow it down I will: Patrick Jane; Sherlock Holmes
Top 5 Influential Mentalists Of All Time? - The Magician's Forum
Dunninger and Kreskin may have deep influence on the style of large-scale performance. Likewise Uri Geller and Berglas, who came later. Likewise Uri Geller and Berglas, who came later. They shaped the public perception of mentalism as stage or TV performance and provided role models for emerging mentalists.
These Talk Show Hosts Did More For Magic & Mentalism...
Magic on TV is generally a good thing. The hosts above had great teams to ensure the audience never saw a mediocre performance.
What Power Does Linking Finger Rings Demonstrate
Kreskin often started his show with the linking Finger Rings by saying he would like demonstrate a little mystery before getting into the mind-reading for which he better known. How Al Koran introduced this trick is a mystery to me, but I am sure somebody will know the answer.
What has surprised you about mentalism? - The Magician's Forum
I remember Kreskin doing a lot of card tricks and Q & A with the audience and it was at this time I was buying effects from the Tannen's Magic catalog and they had a section in there on Mentalism. So I was really young and my parents didn't …
Johnny Carson and Magic - The Magician's Forum
FYI, There is a book released last year, "Carson the Magnificent" by Bill Zehme. It is a biography of Johnny Carson. There are extensive descriptions about Carson's start as a magician and his continued love of magic. Performing magic gave him the confidence to move on thru show-biz. The book is a wonderful and this photo inside is alone worth the price of the book. 📷