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  1. Copilot Answer

    Morocco, to the north of Spanish Sahara, had long claimed that the territory was historically an integral part of … See more

    The Green March

    The Green March was a well-publicized popular march of enormous proportions. On 6 November 1975 approximately 350,000 unarmed and controlling the situation tens of thousands of Moroccan soldiers camouflage… See more

    Date6 November 1975
    Territorial changesSpain leaves the territory and Morocco and Mauritania partially occupy it
    The Moroccan arguments for sovereignty

    According to Morocco, the exercise of sovereignty by the Moroccan state was characterized by official pledges of allegiance to the sultan. The Moroccan government was of the opinion that this allegiance … See more

    The Madrid Accords

    The Green March caught Spain in a moment of political crisis. The caudillo General Francisco Franco, who had led the country for 36 years, was dying. Despite the overwhelming military and logistic superiority … See more

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